Television Is A Fiercely Competitive Medium

According to MRI Research, most Christians watch a lot of television.  They watch both Christian and secular programming.  That being the case, there are a lot of choices out there.

Nielsen reports that the average U.S. household has access to 125 different channels, that means that your viewers have 124 other choices to watch.

Television is a fiercely competitive medium and there is a tremendous amount of effort is put forth to give the viewer a good experience.  Your program is compared to every other program your viewers watch.

The reality is that Ministries don't have the huge production budgets secular programs have.  However, it is important to be as competitive as your budget will allow.  There are a lot of tweaks and changes you can make without having to spend a lot of money.

Program improvements will increase viewer engagement with your program and make the response much stronger to your ministry and fundraising.

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